Thursday, September 23, 2010

New addition......

Well we knew it was going to come eventually but never realized how excited we would be that it has finally proven to be true........ OLI HAS A TOOTH! Her first tooth made its debut Wednesday afternoon on daddy's watch. It is starting to poke through on her lower gum line. This may be the end of breastfeeding. Olivia doesn't seem to really be bothered too much by it and we are hoping that it continues not to be a tyrant.

Speaking of firsts, Oli sat up on her own. She was lying next to daddy on the floor on her back. She rolled over and proceeded to put her knees up underneath herself and pushed to a sitting position right in front of daddy. You would of thought she did a magic trick by the way daddy was screaming in delight. The next morning we heard her laughing and carrying on in her bedroom to find her sitting up in her crib waiting on us to get the day going.

It still amazes me that she is already 7 1/2 months old, but what really amazes me is what she is capable of. I always thought that babies were babies until they hit 1 year old then they formed a personality and were fun to be around. I can definitely admit that babies are fun from 6 weeks on (Oli started sleeping through the night!). Olivia has such a great personality and seems to be a social butterfly when we take her into stores. We are enjoying her so much cannot wait to see what the future brings.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Our little army crawler

Olivia is growing so fast. She will be 7 months old on Sunday. She is army crawling everywhere. We will be baby proofing this weekend. I was making breakfast this morning and put her in her play room so I could watch her, and when I turned around she was under my feet in the kitchen. Maybe I will have to put a baby gate on my baby proofing list.

Olivia was in her first parade last Monday. She was soo amped up meeting all of Jonathan's co-workers that by the time we put her into the stroller and started moving, she was falling asleep. I thought she was going to wake up due to all the sirens from the fire truck, but they did not phase her a bit. She was sound asleep by Dearborn Street.

It is getting harder and harder to write these blogs because she doesn't sleep very long....... until later!