Thursday, September 15, 2011

Long time......Wow what a far.

Well back by popular demand........The Olivia Morgan blog will now be changed to the Olivia and Everett Blog. We are expecting our second child around Christmas. We are so excited to add the final piece to our family. Some ask why the name Everett and to be honest......I don't know. We were going over names at work one day and Everett came up. I told Jonathan and he loves it. SO for now his name is Everett Jaxson Dausy. It's funny when I look up the name the meaning is "strong wild boar." I may be jinxing myself.

Miss Olivia is doing amazing. She is developing quite the little personality. Every time we go anywhere she is a social butterfly like her dad. We started a garden this fall and she has her hands in the dirt and was a great helper planting all the seeds. She has had quite the productive summer.....she was boating just about every weekend with us or her Nana

ohhhh to be continued..... Oli want to go water the garden!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Feb Recap

So I fibbed on my last entry, but a lot has been going on. First and most important is Olivia turned 1. Wow, that even looks funny. I always hear my mom say that I will always be her baby..... well Olivia you will always be mine. She is walking with the assistance of one finger. She can do it on her own, but don't tell her that I like that she still needs me. She is graduating from baby food to eating almost anything we are. Her favorites are any kind of fruit, especially blueberries and strawberries. She had her first grilled chez tonight for dinner and loved it.
To recap, even though I don't want to but I want this in for Oli's book. She had a febrile seizure the early morning of her 1st birthday. It was by far the scariest thing that has ever happened to me. Thank god, Jonathan was on a vacation day from work and his parents were in town. Grandpa Rob and the monitors made by fisher price are my hero. Olivia is perfect now and the doctor says that it is common and not to worry, but how do you not worry. She is my world. Jonathan and my mom have been my backbone reassuring me that Olivia will never scare the Sh*t out of me ever ever ever again.
On a lighter note, her Luau 1st birthday party was a hit. Great friends, food and weather. I will post pics later. Her 1st birthday made it clear that I love being a mom and am looking forward to watching her grow. My favorite part of the party was watching her interact with her little friends. She had her buddies Liam, MacKenzie, Joey, and Sam. It will be so neat when they get older knowing that they have these life-time friends. XXOOXXOO
The pics today are from today. Olivia and I decided that we were going to skip our sandbox in the backyard and go on the boat with Grandma and Grandpa. It was 80 degrees and gorgeous. Olivia is definitely a boating kid. She played for hours at the beach, not once letting on that she was tired until the ride home. She was asleep before we passed Cindy's house. The fun on the water is just beginning.
Okay I have rambled enough..... Shawntel

Sunday, January 16, 2011

New Year New Blog

I am a terrible mother, I promised myself that my New Years Resolution would be to make a weekly entry into Olivia's blog but sleep is sounding so much better. Olivia is more mobile than ever, not quite walking but crawling everywhere. She is so much fun. She has become a little person now, and I hate not playing with her.
To catch up my blog, Olivia is 11 months old. She has 4 teeth total (2top and 2 bottom), the teeth beside the top two are starting to push through. Surprisingly she is not too fussy. She seems to get a warm from time to time from her teeth, but overall they don't seem to bother her.
Olivia has graduated from army crawling to knee crawling and she is unstoppable. Jonathan and I are learning very fast what has to be baby proofed. She is able to get to her feet as long as her hand is on something. I think it is all a security blanket for her, but I feel like it is days away when she is running around the house. She took 3 studder steps towards me last week, and again yesterday. I hope she is walking before her 1st birthday. Maybe she will join us in the limbo line.
Her first birthday, wow! We decided not to do a traditional 1st birthday, because we are not only celebrating her first year, but ours for making it through. I was so nervous to be a mom, but it is by far the most rewarding thing I have done with my life. The way she smiles and screams when she sees me is so amazing. Sorry, back to the party. So we decided on a Hawaiian Luau. I am so excited for her party, and did some decoration shopping today.
Well this is a restart for Olivia's blog and I will diligently try to post weekly. Thanks for reading!