Monday, August 30, 2010

Wow she is a little person!

I don't know who likes bananas more, Jonathan or Oli!

I cannot believe my little baby is getting so big, so fast. Jonathan and I had to rearrange our office, get rid of my big desk, to turn it into Olivia's playroom. After a days worth of playing with toys in the living room, you could not even walk in there. Now she has a designated area just for her and it makes clean up so easy! Oli loves her new room, especially with all of her toys being out at once. I have been brushing up on my book "What to expect the first year" and realize that we are truely lucky we are with Olivia. Not only does she keep us laughing all day, she is the world's best eater. She loves everything from green beans to carrots and especially the fruits. We are onto the stage 2 and the fun flavors begin, berry bananas with apples. We had to find a new feeding schedule to get her on a breakfast, lunch, dinner with snacks routine. I cannot wait for her to eat breakfast with us. Olivia is hitting all her milestones, she is sitting good and standing with the assistance of something for balance. She is starting to lunge towards things she wants instead of rolling to them. This weekend is our football fantasy draft so Olivia will start to learn what lunatics her parents are for football. She will be dressed in her Bucs outfit ready to draft every position Bucs, ok I lied.....I want to win the fantasy league! GO BUCS!

Friday, August 13, 2010


Yesterday Oli got her ears pierced and I think it was harder on Shawntel than it was Oli. We went in an hour before our appointment and they lubed her lobes up with a numbing cream. I'm sure Oli thought it was weird to pop in to the pediatrician's and not get a shot, weighed, or probed. So we had an hour to kill before Oli's big piercing appointment so we did some clothes shopping. When we walked into the Dr's office they started in with the taking off clothes, weighing and poking. Then we went back to one of the rooms and they broke out the "Ear Piercing Kit". We knew that because it said so in big letters right on the side of the box. It's a good thing Oli can't read yet and it sucks that Shawntel can because her eyes got big and it looked like the she got hit with the hippy hippy shakes. They put a dot on each one of her ears and opened the two piercing tools. Oli had no idea and the nurse snuck in and hit her with the first one. We expected her to start whaling but she didn't even realize that she had been bedazzled. The nurse swapped tools and grabbed Oli's head and hit her with the second. Her left ear must not have been as numb as the right because her bottom lip poked way out but she didn't cry. They look so good, now maybe the weird guy at the grocery store will figure out that Oli is a she and not a he.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Pay back time

Nine years ago I worked for Home Depot and I remember pretty vividly this lady and her daughter coming in to do some shopping. I didn't pay much attention to them when they came in. The Mom was maybe late twenties and the little girl was maybe a year old or younger. Some time had passed and I heard some commotion and looked up and there they go right back out of the store with some swiftness. That sweet little girl pooed all over the place and was grabbing it and then grabbing at her mom. It was gross and of course I laughed in fact I cracked up. Pay back is a bitch. We've been trying new foods with Oli for the past couple of weeks, we think her favorite might be sweet potatoes. Although yesterday she had bananas and she liked em alright but her stomach may not have been ready for the nanners. We were sitting on the floor playing catch with the dogs and Oli was having a blast. I started to smell something a little funky and knew that I drew the poo card for the day. when I stood up it was everywhere. On me, the rug, the jumperoo, and up and down Oli. I have no idea how it got all over the back of her head. That is X-files stuff. It took a while to get everything squared away and cleaned up and all I could think about was that mother and her little girl that I laughed at. I'm hoping that that was my payback but, I realize that if this was indeed my payback that I got off easy. I mean she was in public.