Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Grocery shopping with Oli...

Today Oli and I went grocery shopping for the week just like we've done since we've had to go back to work. She must have thought that it was boring when we first started this routine a few months ago because she would sleep the whole time we were cruising the aisles. People would stop and say hello and take a peek at her but she missed all their compliments. A couple of weeks ago she happened to stay awake for all three grocery stops and she was able to smile and say hello to everyone and she loved it so much that she doesn't sleep anymore. She's even made a few close friends at the produce store. When we walk into the joint some of the ladies that work there come up and tickle her feet, she loves it.

I got to thinking today that my parking lot procedure has changed since Oli has started hanging out with me. What I mean is that when I used to pull into the parking lot I'd start looking for the closest parking space and anybody that is potentially leaving. I've only done it a few times but I've even stalked people leaving the store and followed them to their car and waited for them to load up and leave. Well, now I pull in thinking, Oli weighs 13 pounds and some change and the car seat weighs a couple extra pounds and walking with her from the car to the store, even if it is front row parking feels like I'm carrying small sack concrete, where is the closest shopping cart? Sometimes I'll pull into the lot and there will be no carts, damn those bag boys for being good employees. So I will pass up a front row for a spot in the back but near a grocery cart. It won't be long and we'll be able to take her out of the car seat and put her in the buggy.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

1st Daddy's day

For Father's day, Olivia and I made Jonathan a scrapbook of pictures of Olivia and him from birth until now. I made her help me and would only work on it if she was sitting next to me helping me. (I think he loved it!) Olivia was so excited to give it to him. I am not sure how we will top that next year. LOL.

That afternoon we were on our way to Stuart, Florida for the Police and Fire Games. This was Olivia's first hotel stay. When we got there we met up with some friends and went out to dinner. Olivia was a social butterfly interacting with everyone and enjoying the attention she was getting. She got a little fussy around 9PM but a little food in her belly ended that. She sleeped great at the hotel and we had to wake her up for breakfast. She enjoyed the weight lifting competition and couldn't fall asleep beacuse of all the noise. She finally got comfy on my legs and fell asleep for a good hour. She woke up just in time to see Daddy get his PR in the benchpress.

She had fun being a little jet setter but it wore her out so today she is catching up on her zzzzzzzzzzz's!

Busy weekend

On Friday night, I had my 10 year high school reunion;

so Olivia got to spend the evening with Grandma. We packed up all of her stuff, I never realized what it took to get a baby ready to stay at Grandma's house for a few hours would take me so long to gather her belongings, but we did it and dropped her off. When we picked up Olivia around midnight she was fast asleep and we found out that she is going to be a singing super star. Grandma got her on video singing country songs, of course she will not repeat it for us. We packed her back up and took her home. I thought she would be wide awake when we got home, but she didn't even ask us how our evening went, she hit her bed and was fast asleep until the morning. Jonathan had to work the next day, leaving me with Olivia and a tummy ache from my lack of experience in the drinking department. Not drinking in over a year, I have become a cheap date. Thank goodness Olivia was just as tired and we took a 2 hour nap together and we both woke up refreshed.

Olivia's 4 month check-up

Last week Olivia had her 4 month check-up; wow is she getting big fast. She weighed in at 13 pounds exactly; putting on just under 3 lbs since her 2 month check up. She is still our little lollipop because she is in the upper percentile for her head and length but in the low percentile for her weight. She has made the 2foot mark, making her length growth total over 5 inches in 4 months. At this rate she will be as tall as me in just over 30 months. WOW! She is getting such a great personalality. She is giggling at everything, especially her Daddy. We made her 6 month appointment already and she will be getting her ears pierced on August 16th. We will bring her in a few hours early to get her ears numbed by the doctor then come back and get them pierced. Olivia isn't scared but I am. I cannot handle the shots, I don't know how I will handle an object going through her ear. Thank goodness Daddy will be there.