Monday, May 31, 2010

No oil in sight

I'm just getting home after working two days in a row yuck yuck but, it's over with and I'm back hanging out with Oli. Yup just Oli, the three of us will hang out again in two weekends. Can't wait, but we were able to get out to the beach to see the sun set and let Oli put her tootsies in the sand and water for the first time the day before I left for work. It was an awesome sun set, there were no clouds in sight and no oil either. We got to the beach about 45 minutes before the sun went down and threw out a blanket to keep the sand off of us but Oli soon found out that when you go to the beach sand will inevitably get everywhere. I think she likes the sand though because when we put her feet down in it she gave us a funny smile and then started digging away with her toes. She's hooked. We think maybe she'll just be a sun bather though because we then dunked her feet into the salt water and the reaction wasn't the same. As soon as her toes hit the water her lip simultaneously stuck way out and she started crying. Yikes. So back to the sand we went. While we were sitting there a mother walked by with her two little girls one was a year and the other four years. The little four year old saw Oli and started talking to her and making funny faces and Oli was cracking up. Can't wait to do that again. when I got home this morning I swear that Oli was an inch taller and a totally different little girl. She's growing so fast.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Oli's big adventure

Two days ago Oli and I went to pick up a new boat. Well maybe not new there's a lot of work that has to be done before the wind is blowing in Oli's hair. Thank goodness her Grandma has a boat and is ready to take her out because she'll be riding in it before she'll be riding in ours. We had to drive on the way down to Cape Coral to pick it up. So I pumped Oli full of milk and gathered our things and we were out the door. Just like I thought she slept the whole way down. So when we got into Cape Coral the guy selling the boat directed me right to his house and my plan was to leave Oli in the truck with the AC running. Oh I forget, we brought Grandmas trailer with us because this boat didn't have one. I've never put a boat onto a trailer but it sounds easy enough, maybe it will take thirty minutes right. Wrong!!! Two hours later I was paying the guy and leaving with the boat on the trailer. Olivia was pissed I guess being in her shoes I would have been mad too. When I left the guys house I pulled to the side of the road and fed Oli bottle #2. I've never seen her drink a bottle that fast, I felt terrible. I promised her I wouldn't do that again. Her reply was, cool Dad I still love you. I hope that's what she said. Once we got home we did a little tummy time and hung out until Mom got home but then we were off again to the boat ramp to get this boat to back off the trailer a little to make it easier to pull the trailer and leave the boat sitting on blocks. So by now I think Oli absolutely hates this big ugly thing on the side of our house. When she and her friends are tubing and skiing on the back she'll have a change of heart.
Today Oli surprised herself and me. She was sitting in her bouncer seat and I was shaking a rattle in her face and she reached up and grabbed it. She moved very slow and watched her hand all the way to the rattle and I think she was amazed when she was holding it. At any rate she's getting so big. Shawntel and I won't need to worry about hurricane supplies this season if we get hit we'll survive off of Oli's thighs they are getting pretty meaty.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Wow how time flies by.

Olivia, the doggies and I went for our daily walk today
and all I could think about was the past 3 months and how much Olivia has changed. I cannot believe that she is rolling over from belly to back. She loves lying on her belling up on her elbows, if that makes sense. She is giggling and talking which just cracks me up. I think she thinks that I can actually understand her. Jonathan started to walk her in the Bob without the car seat to give her more air and she looks like she is about to jump out of an airplane with her parachute on. She loves her walks even though it is humid as all get up, the doggies love it too getting out of the house. They are actually starting to lose some weight. Roxy pulls us along and Jazzy serves as our anchor. The past few days Oli is trying to sit up on her own. She gets her head going up and her torso is trying to follow but just not quiet yet. When I gave her, her bath last night she was actually helpful in lifting her chin up so I could wash underneath. I never realized how much fun having a child was going to be. Sure the first month was crazy with sleeplessness but now she is sleeping every night from 9pm to 5:30am when I wake her up to eat breakfast. We are enjoying her so much and cannot wait for her to go out onto the boat for the first time, hopefully in the next few months.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Rolling Oli

Two days ago I put Oli on her stomach and to my surprise she wouldn't stay there she popped her little head up and rolled right over. Back on April 10th she rolled over for the first time but we think that may have been a fluke because she hasn't done it since then. So Shawntel and I made a video of her so she could show off her new moves. So today I came home from work and Shawntel left for work I put her on her tummy again to see if she remembered how to roll over. Yes indeedy she remembered. We think she can move her feet at will now but she's still working on those arm and hands. Soon enough. It's cool she stares at her feet pretty intently and maybe says the magic words which I think is aaaagggg bbblll and poof they move. It looks like a chore. Once she gets those arms and legs working together she'll be off to the races. I was talking to a friend the other day and was saying that now that his son is crawling he's into everything. My Uncle said that once they start crawling they're not crawling towards they're moving away from you. Kinda sad to think about but very true they're on their way to leaving the nest. Whoa!!! I need to slow down. She still needs her milk and diaper changed.

We picked the first tomato out of Oli's garden about a week ago and now they're coming in every day. We should stock pile a weeks worth so maybe we could enjoy a salad but I can't seem to make it inside with any I eat them to quick. The cucumbers have had blooms on them for about a week and half and now have counted about 10 cucumbers. The watermelons have just one bloom but are growing steady so maybe another week before we have one of them on the vine.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Back into the groove

Well it is official Jonathan and I are both back to work. Olivia is enjoying her time with each one of us alone. Last Saturday Jonathan competed in the Firefighter games in Tampa so Olivia had her first day without either one of us. She went to her Grandma house. We dropped her off at 5:30 AM with her eyes wide open ready to play with Carl. We had a great time in Tampa but felt empty handed. I never thought that I could miss her so much. I only called twice to check on her, OK maybe 27 times if you count text messages. I don't know why I worried, my mother had two kids and we turned out OK. Jonathan won the silver medal in bench press and bronze in the dead lift. We are sooo proud of our daddy. The next competition is the Fire/Police games in June, maybe Olivia can go watch her daddy this time. We finally got our pics back from Olivia's photo shoot. She looks so beautiful. It is amazing how much she has grown and changed over the last month.