Monday, May 31, 2010

No oil in sight

I'm just getting home after working two days in a row yuck yuck but, it's over with and I'm back hanging out with Oli. Yup just Oli, the three of us will hang out again in two weekends. Can't wait, but we were able to get out to the beach to see the sun set and let Oli put her tootsies in the sand and water for the first time the day before I left for work. It was an awesome sun set, there were no clouds in sight and no oil either. We got to the beach about 45 minutes before the sun went down and threw out a blanket to keep the sand off of us but Oli soon found out that when you go to the beach sand will inevitably get everywhere. I think she likes the sand though because when we put her feet down in it she gave us a funny smile and then started digging away with her toes. She's hooked. We think maybe she'll just be a sun bather though because we then dunked her feet into the salt water and the reaction wasn't the same. As soon as her toes hit the water her lip simultaneously stuck way out and she started crying. Yikes. So back to the sand we went. While we were sitting there a mother walked by with her two little girls one was a year and the other four years. The little four year old saw Oli and started talking to her and making funny faces and Oli was cracking up. Can't wait to do that again. when I got home this morning I swear that Oli was an inch taller and a totally different little girl. She's growing so fast.

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