Monday, May 10, 2010

Rolling Oli

Two days ago I put Oli on her stomach and to my surprise she wouldn't stay there she popped her little head up and rolled right over. Back on April 10th she rolled over for the first time but we think that may have been a fluke because she hasn't done it since then. So Shawntel and I made a video of her so she could show off her new moves. So today I came home from work and Shawntel left for work I put her on her tummy again to see if she remembered how to roll over. Yes indeedy she remembered. We think she can move her feet at will now but she's still working on those arm and hands. Soon enough. It's cool she stares at her feet pretty intently and maybe says the magic words which I think is aaaagggg bbblll and poof they move. It looks like a chore. Once she gets those arms and legs working together she'll be off to the races. I was talking to a friend the other day and was saying that now that his son is crawling he's into everything. My Uncle said that once they start crawling they're not crawling towards they're moving away from you. Kinda sad to think about but very true they're on their way to leaving the nest. Whoa!!! I need to slow down. She still needs her milk and diaper changed.

We picked the first tomato out of Oli's garden about a week ago and now they're coming in every day. We should stock pile a weeks worth so maybe we could enjoy a salad but I can't seem to make it inside with any I eat them to quick. The cucumbers have had blooms on them for about a week and half and now have counted about 10 cucumbers. The watermelons have just one bloom but are growing steady so maybe another week before we have one of them on the vine.

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