Sunday, February 7, 2010

We Graduated with HONORS!

We had such a busy day on Wednesday. We started out with Doctor's appointment at 10:40. To save the gory details we are 20% effaced, soft and 0cm dilated. Dr. Henderson predicted an early baby but not in the next week. I hope she is wrong and Olivia comes NOW! After our appointment we had car seat school. As silly as it sounds, it was the most interesting class we have taken so far. It has forced Jonathan to be consistent with his seat belt which makes me very happy :) After seeing how 30 mph crashes are on babies and children, we went outside to install our car seat. We decided to place it in the center position, which the doggies are going to hate, but it is the safest for our little Olivia. After we got the car seat installed and received our certificate so we can bring Olivia home from the hospital we were off to Chilli's for dinner. It has been our tradition for the past 4 Wednesdays to eat out before our classes at the hospital. YUMMY! We attended our Baby CPR class after dinner, thank goodness Jonathan already knows how to perform CPR on an infant because our teacher was terrible. But we got the basics and Jonathan is going to find a certification course for me. After the class we met up with Mom, Dad, Becky and Kenny to celebrate Dad's birthday and Kenny & Becky's 31st Anniversary at Red Lobster. I got the best dessert, a chocolate-chip cookie lava cake with vanilla ice cream. HOLLY YUMMY! There is actually perks in being pregnant, no one questions when you eat an entire piece of cake and some of Becky's Death by chocolate cake! It was a wonderful day and we are ready for Olivia to get here. Today is now Super Bowl Sunday and I cannot believe we have less than 13 days to go. OMG!

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