Friday, April 30, 2010

No Idea..

Shawntel had to work today and I spent the day with my side kick, Oli. We went to Home Depot, Sam's, Wal Mart and the County Dump. I know fun, fun, fun. While we were out and about I got to thinking about different situations that may arise and what I would do to take care of business. For instance if Olivia started crying really bad in the middle of store, Piece of cake I'd do the pacifier thing and talk to her. If this doesn't do the trick I'm sure it's probably just the diaper, so I go change it out. I started with an easy one. Next what if Ninjas come down on ropes from the ceiling ready to karate chop us both. Just a little harder but still not stressing to bad. I'll reach for the ninja stars we keep in the diaper bag and waste all 6 of them. Oh yeah there was six of them. There were a few more things that I was thinking about and was able to handle. Then I thought of something that absolutely got me thinking and have not yet figured out anything. What if I'm in the store and nature calls? For me not Olivia? I'm clueless, I guess, yeah, I can bring her in the men's room but then what, set her on the sink? Bring her in the stall? Maybe leave her with the clerk outside the bathroom. I'm just kidding I would never leave her with a clerk. This has definitely got me thinking.
Shawntel and I picked our first tomato a couple days ago. One yellow cherry tomato. It was Delicious. We have six tomato bushes and they are loaded but are all green. The cucumbers are getting really big so it won't be long for those either. As for everything else; squash, jalapenos, bell peppers, and radishes they're all dead. Better luck next time. Little Oli is ten weeks today and still cute as ever.

Friday, April 23, 2010

We're getting the band back together.. Reunion

Yesterday was the third time I watched Olivia. I was a little nervous because the yard needed mowing and I had no idea how I would get it done. So as soon as Olivia closed her eyes I ran outside and mowed the yard. I ended up running the whole time, Ive never got the yard done that quick. I didn't time it but I think it only took about fifteen minutes. When I was done I was certain I would find Oli screaming inside and to my delight she was still fast asleep. Pretty cool. A little update on Oli's garden, we have six tomato bushes that are doing awesome and are loaded with tomatoes one of which is turning red. We can't wait to pick it. As for all the other veggies we planted they're not doing as good. We'll have to find a a lot of recipes for tomatoes and cucumbers. Today is our first day off together since being back at work so we're having a Reunion today. Maybe we'll finish our cribbage tournament today. We were digging around in our closet the other day and found our old cribbage board. On the back of it we recorded several games that we played. It was cool looking at the back of it, the last recorded game was 6/22/02 we haven't played in a while. Shawntel though picked up right where she left off, kicking the shit out of me. There's not to many games that I won on the back of there. It's because I'm a gentleman and have thrown a lot of games in the name of love. Ha ha.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Returning to work!

Well we knew that the time to go back to work would eventually come but, we had no idea it would be that soon. Yesterday was Shawntel's first day back and my first day on my own with Olivia. The morning was rough. It kind of felt like we were on Mtv's Real World Englewood and it was the last episode. You know each cast member leaves one at a time and each one of the remaining members talks about the good times with that person. I always said that it would suck to be the last person because they have nobody to talk to. That was me yesterday. Shawntel left and I tried talking to Olivia and I knew the only thing on her mind was milk so I was the last guy. It sucked, I was a mess and I was the one staying home. So Shawntel left herself enough time before leaving to hold Oli and say good bye for the day and when the time came I didn't think she was going to make it work. If you didn't know what Shawntel did for a living looking at the two of us that morning you would guess that she was leaving for Afghanistan on a special mission and will not return until she finds Osama. Nope she'll only be gone for 10 hours. She said that her day went well. She had to pump in a bathroom that is near the pharmacy and said that although it is very different than sitting on the couch reading twilight, it did the job. As for Olivia and I, we ran some errands, went for a afternoon walk and watched the beer wars documentary. Olivia hated it and wanted to watch veggie tales. Sorry. Pretty easy day. The best part of the day was when Shawntel came home from work we waited outside and Olivia was all smiles when she pulled into the drive. As for me my first day back is today. I forgot to make a trade for this day so I'm here testing the waters and after today I'll be back for good on May 3rd, unless I win 252,000,000 tomorrow night.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

2 month check-up

Olivia had her 2month check-up today and it went great. She weighed in at 10.38 lbs and 23 inches tall. Her head and height are both in the 91st percentile and her weight in the 49th. Olivia had to get 4 shot immunizations and a liquid one. She loved the liquid and slurped it up. The shots were another story. Jonathan held her arms and the nurse planted the first 2 shots in her right leg, then had to wrestle her to get the last two shots in the left leg. She screamed but as soon as Jonathan picked her up, she stopped. She slept the rest of the day away, and is doing great. She is also following us with her eyes more and more. She will laugh and giggle which warms my heart. Her smiles are so contagious especially when she is first wakeing up. We tried to put her into her Jumperoo but her legs are still too short even with Jonathan's baseball card box. She is starting to get into a bedtime routine starting around 8PM, asleep at 9:30 after her bedtime story and sleeps through to 4:30AM. It is so nice to finally get 7 hours of straight sleep.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Happy Birthday!!!!

Olivia's two month birthday was yesterday April 12th, it was one that she will most definitely forget. Lucky for her Shawntel and I won't ever forget it and we'll tell her about it down the road. We didn't do anything spectacular, just sang happy birthday 50 times and stared at her all day. It's amazing how much she has changed and even more amazing is how much Shawntel and I have changed. Before Olivia was born I couldn't sit still around the house I always wanted to go go go go, but now I'm quite comfortable sitting at the house waiting for Oli to wake up or take 100 of the same pictures of her laying asleep in her swing. As for Olivia she has gone from the little infant that slept a lot to a little baby with her own personality. She is starting to laugh and make a different noise every day. The day before her two month birthday she rolled over on her own. I couldn't believe it she was laying on her stomach and Shawntel and I were rooting her on, and it was so cool she just rolled over. She hasn't been able to do it since but that's not for lack of trying. Also the other day she wore her first pair of jeans I'm not sure why this is so cool to me but, I loved seeing her in her blue jeans. Even though they were a little big and were pulled up to her elbows. Yesterday was a big day for Shawntelly also. This was the first day back in her bikini. I watched Oli and she went with her parents out in the boat and brought Jazz and Roxy. She was beating herself up but, make no bones about it she was rocking hot in that bikini. It's been so long since I've seen her in one and I can't wait for the next time. When they got home the dogs got a bath and slept the rest of the day and woke up late today. I'm not sure who had more fun them or Shawntel. The report is that the water is still too cold but the sun feels so good.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Easter weekend was great but so glad to be home and getting back into routine. Olivia was so happy to see her Grandma. She loves her Easter teddy and won't put it down. We are so glad and it makes Oli so happy when my Mom stops by to see her. She is truely lucky to have her Grandma so close. Olivia also got her 1st Home Depot vest, she is anxiuosly waiting to do the kids workshop so she can start building a bird house. Speaking of new routines, Olivia gave us two nights of 7 1/2 hours of straight sleep. I hope that this isn't a fluke but a new routine. Olivia was so happy yesterday, she got to see her Becky and Kenny. We were so jealous because everyone was out on the boat all day, but we got to smell the salt water, brings back such good memories. We cannot wait for Olivia to fit into her first life jacket and we are going boating again. We found a life jacket for infants 0-30 lbs but we are waiting for her to have neck control totally down before we venture out. We finally got a full family photo. The doggies are adjusting well to the new addition to our family. Oli will be 8 weeks old tomorrow...... WOW she is growing so fast! She made the transition this past weekend from an infant to a baby and is following us with her eyes and smiling on command. We are getting a few giggles too.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Home sweet home....

Olivia had a weekend full of firsts. First road trip, first Easter, first time meeting her cousins Aidan and Allison, and first time meeting her Great Grandmother. Beginner's luck was not on her side with her first Easter egg hunt, she came in second place. Allison brought home the blue ribbon. We would have won had Shawntel not have been worried about Olivia's head boucing all over the place while she was running through the yard with the stroller. In the spirit of competition I would have thrown caution to the wind and went all out. I think Olivia would have wanted it that way because she didn't say two words all night. I'm sure that all she was thinking about was the green ribbon or what ever color second place is. There's always next time. The drive to my parents was a lot different with Olivia sitting in the back seat in her car seat rather than her Mommy's belly. I drove a little slower, not much but a little. I think that in some cases it's more dangerous to drive slow than it is to drive fast. We took a few more pit stops too, for diaper changes and milk time. My Mom took a trip to Tennessee when I was five weeks old(my first road trip) and I asked if she stopped to do diaper changes and feedings and she said that there was not a car seat law then and she fed me in her lap and changed me on the seat. Times have certainly changed. Another thing that was different about the trip was all the extra stuff we needed to bring like the rocker, the stroller, her suitcase, bottles etc.. Shawntel had a small space in the back seat to sit. I sat back there at one of the rest areas and it was a little tight but felt kinda cool almost like a little clubhouse. We had a blast and couldn't have asked for more out of Olivia's babies first Easter and we are all wore out. It feels good to be home and we are going to sleep so good.