Thursday, April 15, 2010

2 month check-up

Olivia had her 2month check-up today and it went great. She weighed in at 10.38 lbs and 23 inches tall. Her head and height are both in the 91st percentile and her weight in the 49th. Olivia had to get 4 shot immunizations and a liquid one. She loved the liquid and slurped it up. The shots were another story. Jonathan held her arms and the nurse planted the first 2 shots in her right leg, then had to wrestle her to get the last two shots in the left leg. She screamed but as soon as Jonathan picked her up, she stopped. She slept the rest of the day away, and is doing great. She is also following us with her eyes more and more. She will laugh and giggle which warms my heart. Her smiles are so contagious especially when she is first wakeing up. We tried to put her into her Jumperoo but her legs are still too short even with Jonathan's baseball card box. She is starting to get into a bedtime routine starting around 8PM, asleep at 9:30 after her bedtime story and sleeps through to 4:30AM. It is so nice to finally get 7 hours of straight sleep.

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