Monday, March 1, 2010


Right now Olivia is sleeping like a champ but, last night this wasn't the case. Shawntel and I are just getting done with an another all nighter. Yesterday afternoon we went to Grandma Kim's house for the first time and had an outstanding time. The dinner was good and Olivia got to hang out with Grandma Kim and Miss Becky who showered her with love. A Real quick side note we didn't take any pictures @#$% I hope for a small fee we can get copies from Grandma Kim. While we were at Grandma's, Olivia ate twice and when we got home she ate once before bed. We thought maybe she would be tired from having so much fun and go right to bed. So when it didn't happen that way we tried to figure out what went wrong. Maybe she was overtired and couldn't go to bed, was one thought. Maybe she was jealous that we ate a chicken dish with lemon gravy and she had milk again. Then today it hit us and we think this is pretty solid.
When we did our gift register we went down the bottle aisle and thought dang which bottle is the right bottle. So we asked a few mothers and they said that the baby will tell you which one is right. So we said whatever and went on to the fun stuff like: toys, clothes, strollers etc.. Well 8 months later enters the bottle issue again. We have four different types here at the house so Shawntel said maybe she's gassy lets try a different bottle. She suggested we try the platex drop in bottle so now with every feed we have to put a new liner in. I told her no way that's not the problem and those liners cost money. At lunch Olivia was going crazy and it broke me. I tried the playtex bottle and it worked like a charm. Shawntel was right and I'll pay a mint for those drop ins. Right after she ate she fell fast asleep. Mommy knows best. Oh and thanks Granny Rose for the playtex bottles I'll let you know how much sleep we get tonight.

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