Wednesday, March 10, 2010


We just went for a long walk with Olivia and the dogs around the neighborhood. Each time we go we venture a little further. This time it bit us right in the rear end. It started great, nice weather, the breeze was blowing just perfect, no traffic and the dogs were keeping up with us. We were probably were a mile and a half away from home and Olivia started to cry and we both said, I bet she dropped a wild card on us. Sure enough she had an accident and the diaper bag was a mile and a half away from us. Her crying started out kinda small and soon turned into a wail. Shawntel said she would take the dogs, just take the stroller and run. So I took off, while I was running the stroller started vibrating a little more and it made her cry sound like a siren. We made it home and changed her out with a quickness and she was back to good. We walked back outside and met up with Mom at the end of the road.
Last night Shawntel dressed Olivia in her sweet pea jammies and they were to small for her. This is her first outfit she's grown out of. She's growing up so fast. It's time to put it in the vault for her sister to wear(not any time soon).

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