Sunday, March 21, 2010

Weekend with Granny and Grampy

Well we didn't make it to the seafood festival because it rained the day we were going to go but Olivia got to hang out with her grandparents all weekend. My Mom and Dad came down to see "us" which translates into see her. I'm okay with that because Olivia had a great time. That's the first time they've seen her since she was born. It was cool to hear how many things they noticed different about her. The one thing that has not changed though is she's still a night owl. I asked my my Mom and Dad if Olivia woke them up at all and they both said no. So it was kind of nice to know that somebody got good sleep. Our day is coming I can feel it. Shawntel has less than a month before she goes back to work, it's amazing how fast this time has gone. Our plan is to win the lotto so we won't have to return to work. Sounds like a pretty good plan to me.

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