Saturday, March 13, 2010

Out and about

The weather was beautiful today, super windy but the sun was shining. We took Olivia down to the seafood festival in Punta Gorda and we had a grand ol time. With all the rain the past few days the ground was soaked and muddy but Olivia was high and dry in her stroller. Shawntel got to change her second public diaper. I've always seen those things hanging on the wall in the bathroom and Shawntel was the first to use it. She said it was tough trying to hold Olivia and try to get all her stuff ready to lay her down. Then to wash her own hands while holding her was whole other story. I can't wait until I am in a position where I have to do that. We're starting to get the hang of pushing the stroller around in crowded places. It's nice now we have something to put everything on while we walk around. Aside from carrying wallets, cell phones and the diaper bag it held two beers, and a funnel cake we were totally hands free. Next weekend is the Englewood seafood festival so hopefully the weather stays nice. We've been out with Olivia just a couple times and she really just chills out in the stroller but she sleeps so good after being out strolling around.

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