Monday, March 15, 2010

Little Lollipop

Olivia had her 1 month pictures on Friday, so we went to Miramar Thursday to find a cute dress for her pictures. Well once we put her in the dress she started crying (she is her Grandma Williams girl) so the picture is not great the 1st go around but on Friday she wore it and smiled for the photographer. She was a picture ham and posed great. Today we had her 1 month check up appointment and she has gained weight.... she is up to 8lbs 9oz. She is growing fast. She is 21 inches tall and the nurse told us this neat equation to predict her final height. Take Moms height add it to Dads height subtract 4 and divide by 2. So if it is true, Olivia will be 5ft 6in. (taller than her Mom) They also told us that she was in the 38% weight, 68% height, and 77% head circumference compared to other babies, so Jonathan is calling her his little lollipop now. She also got her 2nd round of Hep B immunization. She did really well and didn't jump or cry too hard.

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